Heidi Wagner-Founder
It is well known to all who know Heidi, the conviction she has for helping animals.
While working on photo assignments with her husband Gary Campbell, Heidi has seen much of the world. With that, she has witnessed a great deal of suffering animals along the way. Each trip has included the rescue of animals that have crossed her path, from an orphaned Armadillo in the Amazon to Donkeys in Colombia.
She took this passion to a new height in May 2011 when she held her first fundraiser in Calgary, enough funds were raised to provide two free spay/neuter clinics in rural communities near Huatulco, Mexico. Since then she has spearheaded the numerous Calgary Fundraiser Events that have raised thousands of dollars so that these free clinics continue. Snipsisters was registered as a Not-For-Profit Organization in 2012.
Susan Allison-Team Lead-Puerto Escondido Chapter
Susan Allison needs no introduction within the rescue world of Puerto Escondido!
As one of the most hands on animal advocates in the community, since she put down roots in 2015 and as a strong supporter of Spay/Neuter, as the most humane solution to overpopulation of companion animals, it is with great pride that Snipsisters has Susan as the Team Lead of the Snipsisters Puerto Escondido Chapter and part of the Snipsister Sisterhood.
Susan started rescuing as early as age 5; a sweet old stray dog crossed her path and that began a lifelong quest to help any animal in need. From cats & kittens, dogs & puppies, to gerbils, & yes, even a seagull!
On any given day, Susan can be found at the local vet office with a stray dog or cat that needs to be sterilized or that has been hurt or is sick. Many of these fortunate street dogs and cats have found loving homes as a result of Susan’s work finding adopters for them near and far. And naturally several of them were adopted by herself and her kind husband Pierre.
She has worked diligently on sourcing the cancer medication necessary for the very infectious, but easily treatable TVT cancer that plagues unsterilized street dogs.
If that wasn’t enough, in response to the COVID crisis, Susan spearheaded a fundraising project that has funds dedicated to buying bags of dog food to add to the local food banks. All this, in between the organizing and working at the free spay/neuter clinics in the many communities near her home.
Her lifelong dedication to helping any animal in need is an inspiration to us all. Welcome Susan!
Karen Gerbasi-Fundraising/Volunteer Puerto Escondido Chapter
Meet Fabulous Fundraiser Karen!
Karen, who spends several weeks in Puerto Escondido each winter, wasted no time looking for some way to help the animals of Mexico.
After meeting Susan Allison, one of Puerto Escondido’s long time hands on animal advocates and witnessing herself the great need for Spay/Neuter programs, Karen reached out to Snipsisters and asked how she could help raise funds. Within a few months of that first phone call, Karen volunteered at a Snipsister funded clinic in July, then held her first fundraiser in September 2019 at The Last Straw Ale House, a pub in her neighbourhood in Calgary and raised $5000!
Not only did Karen raise the funds, she also volunteered her time at the November clinic that was organised by Susan, where over 200 dogs/cats were sterilized. Together they worked the long hours along side the many volunteers from Mexico, Canada, Europe and the US, all of who made the clinic a great success.
Then once again, Karen & Susan, together with dedicated volunteers and supporters: Gudrun Hardes, Jocelyn Palmer and Deb Rankin banded together and held the “First Annual Taste of Puerto” Fundraiser in February of 2020. These 5 incredible women ensured a successful event, which brought in more funds to pay for numerous sterilization surgeries from the Spring to the Fall of 2020.
Snipsisters is beyond grateful to have Karen as an official member of the Sisterhood.
Jocelyn Palmer-Fundraising/Volunteer Puerto Escondido Chapter

Meet Jocelyn and Bones, one of her many rescues.
Jocelyn is part of the fantastic Puerto Escondido Fundraisers and yes, you guessed it-a big time animal lover.
For the past 5 years, Jocelyn has called Puerto Escondido home, her and her kind heart-ed husband moved from BC and prior to that, Nova Scotia, with their two lucky cats in tow.
No matter where the road takes her, animal welfare is always part of the equation. You can be sure that any animal in need that crosses Jocelyn’s path is tended to with love and kindness.
Tonya Lindsay-Fundraising Volunteer
Tonya Lindsay, has forever and a day helped animals.
She has become Snipsister’s Spokeswoman and Fundraiser in Northern Alberta and in Southern British Columbia.
She has raised funds by simply telling the Snipsister story. Her commitment and diligence in raising as many dollars as she can while spending many cold winters working up North is commendable.
Since 2014 she has raised over $7000.00-and that’s not all, while at home in BC she has gathered boxes full of donated collars/leashes and medical supplies from local pet stores and vet clinics.
She is actively involved with helping animals all over the globe, including the homeless dogs from Thailand-dear to her heart, as her own sweet dog Mango was rescued from that part of the world. She is a proud member of the Canadian Branch of Soi Dog Foundation, Thailand.
Tonya, like all animal rescuers, knows and exercises that when there are animals in need- regardless of where they may be in the world, it is a global issue that knows no borders. Soon she will be able to join the rest of the Sisterhood volunteers offering her skills at upcoming clinics.
Sheila Tomlinson-Alumni- Huatulco Area Clinics
Sheila had been volunteering with Snipsisters Huatulco Chapter from 2012-2016.
She would commit to taking a week off work to help daily for hours on end as Recovery Team Lead.
As a former RN, who worked in Cardiac Surgery, Sheila brought a wealth of experience and operating room expertise to our humble clinics. Not only was she incredibly competent and efficient, she made us laugh with her ever present sense of humour.
Sheila had a wonderful way of working with and training newcomers to the recovery process. She was patient, kind and always found the strength in each of her team members and helped them polish their talents to the fullest.
She has also gathered donated towels, medical supplies and has spread the Snipsister story to all her friends, two of whom have traveled from France and Mexico City to volunteer at clinics.
Jane Carstairs-Alumni- Huatulco Area Clinics
Meet Jane Carstairs.
Or as we like to call her Captain Janeway! Just as the name suggests, Jane is a true Captain.
Jane had been our Team Lead Intaking & Registering all our patients at our Huatulco Area Clinics from 2015-2016.
She is fluent in Spanish and had the most wonderful way of making the owners of our four legged patients feel at ease as they entrusted their pets into our care.
I watched the calm & gentle way she spoke with each person, ensuring that they knew exactly how to care for their pets at home post surgery.
She also has taught us many important cultural nuances that have enhanced the entire process for the team and the pet owners.
Jane’s roots are in Calgary, where she has worked as a Lawyer for over 20 years. She travels the world and has lived and worked in Mexico City.
Her great love of animals is ever present and is reflected in her children and her own home- where many a paws live.