2025 Clinics and Fundraising Events

Clinics will resume in the Puerto Escondido area and surrounding communities sometime in March after The Annual Fundraiser in Puerto Escondido, which is planned for February 25, 2025!! Stay tuned for ticket sales and details

2024 Clinics and Fundraising Events

Snipsisters Puerto Escondido Chapter, aims to continue offering free spay/neuter clinics on a monthly basis-depending on the funds we raise! As always, 100% of donations go to the surgeries, our costs are 350 pesos per surgery and that covers the fee we pay to our trusted and respected Vet Dr. Ruben and our surgical supplies. We have no administration fees nor do we have employees. We are a small grassroots foundation run by wonderful caring Volunteers.

The Annual Fundraiser in Puerto Escondido in February 18, 2024 Was a very Successful and Fun Evening. Congratulations to Susan Allison, Karen Gerbasi & Jocelyn Palmer.

Snipsisters Main Chapter will be raffling off some fantastic Gift Baskets in Calgary, Canada throughout the year to raise funds for clinics in Cuatunalco and the many surrounding villages in need! These will be posted on Snipsisters FB Page and Instagram!

2023 Clinics & Fundraising Events

Clinics have already been underway since January!

January Total Snips: 227 & February Total Snips: 256, March Clinic to Start on the 25th!

VERY BIG BIG NEWS!!! PETA LATINO graciously donated funds for our team to treat several cases of TVT in the community of Chila. TVT is a highly infectious cancer, tumors are visible usually near the genitals but some dogs get infected on their face, chest or other areas. TVT can be very successfully treated with the drug Vincristine, which is given via IV, once per week to patients, the number of weekly treatments range from 2-4 depending on the progression. We are so grateful to PETA for this incredibly generous donation. Snipsisters is so grateful to Dr. Edgar who is administering the Vincristine. Our gratitude goes to Gaby Sanchez who brings the dogs to and from the location in Chila to receive the treatments.


Karen and Jocelyn were busy prepping for the Feb 20th event “Night at the Brewery” organizing and preparing all that is required to pull off an event like this. AND A VERY SPECIAL THANK YOU TO GUDRUN HARDES & DEB RANKIN for securing many fantastic Silent and Live Auction Items.


Stay tuned on FB and INSTAGRAM for the Very Popular Gift Baskets and Boxes that are raffled off every few months! All funds raised go to the clinics in and around the Huatulco area of Oaxaca.

2022 Clinics

From January 2022-December 2022, The Puerto Escondido Chapter snipped 2107 dogs & cats, in and around communities near Puerto Escondido, including the community of Cuatanalco-which is near Huatulco.

GRAND TOTAL FOR 2022: 2107!!!

Again, we are delighted to continue working with Dr. Ruben!

2020-2021 Clinics


From June- December 2020, The Puerto Escondido Chapter snipped 497 dogs & cats. In 2021 they snipped 1538 in and around communities near Puerto Escondido, including the community of Cuatanalco-which is near Huatulco.

GRAND TOTAL FOR 2020-2021: 2035!!!

We are incredibly pleased to announce that we have been working with Dr. Ruben Rocha MVZ, a very well respected, highly qualified Veterinarian from Mexico City.

Susan Allison-Snipsister’s PE Team Lead, works endlessly scheduling, organizing and running all these clinics with her core team of volunteers, Yasmine Othman, Mariela Lopez, Bere de La Paz, Gabriela Zarate Sanchez, Emily Draws, & Usha Boise. What an incredible team!