Snipsisters Puerto Escondido Chapter, aims to continue offering free spay/neuter clinics on a monthly basis-depending on the funds we raise! As always, 100% of donations go to the surgeries, our costs are 350 pesos per surgery and that covers the fee we pay to our trusted and respected Vet Dr. Ruben and our surgical supplies. We have no administration fees nor do we have employees. We are a small grassroots foundation run by wonderful caring Volunteers.

The Annual Fundraiser in Puerto Escondido in February 18, 2024 Was a very Successful and Fun Evening. Congratulations to Susan Allison, Karen Gerbasi & Jocelyn Palmer.

Snipsisters Main Chapter will be raffling off some fantastic Gift Baskets in Calgary, Canada throughout the year to raise funds for clinics in Cuatunalco and the many surrounding villages in need! These will be posted on Snipsisters FB Page and Instagram!